BOOKANIMA, a compound word of ‘Book’ and ‘Anima’, is an Animation project to give new cinematic life to books.
First, the project aims to create ‘Book Cinema’ in the third scope between Book and Cinema.
Second, the project explores Chronophotography Animation, paying homage to the founders of Chronophotography, such as Edward Muybridge and Entienne-Jules Marey. Along the way, it experiments the concept of Found Frame, Flip Book, Key Point, Locomotive Overlap, Random Crop & Zoom, and Off-screen.
Third, Instructional books have been published for the purpose of social Psychology, such as, self-study, individual analysis and archive, etc. The project tries to share this special instructional book culture with audience in the form of visual art.
Found Object
* Note: This project is based on the theme of 'Found Object'. All works are made with open sources under their copyright and for the purpose of FINE ART, NOT COMMERCIAL.
Since 2018 / Color & BW / Stereo / 2K, 4K / DCP, MOV, mp4
The site-specific project
It is the site-specific project based on instructional books published locally in own languages.
Short film is being made in the country where instructional book is published.
Korea: Korean Dance
Japan: Girl Action
Taiwan: Tai Chi
Portugal: Photography A User's Manual
Spain: Origami
Hungary: Arcszepites
Netherland: Skateboard
USA: Andy Warhol
Single short film is being made with single book.
Short film gets categorized into one of five chapters as below.
Compilation film is being produced with short films in same category.
1. Martial Arts
2. Dance
3. Ball Games
5. Image